COVID-19 Recovery: Recommendations From a Functional Naturopath

Whether or not you are vaccinated, catching Covid 19 can be a rough experience. There is a lot you can do to reduce symptoms, clear the infection quickly, and reduce the chance of lingering symptoms (long-COVID). Here are 12 of my favorite recommendations.

  1. No alcohol.

  2. No Smoking/vaping

  3. Eat lightly. Skip breakfast (or dinner) and replace with tea or broth if you can.

  4. Avoid or limit dairy.

  5. Do not take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen unless your fever is >102 degrees. If you do take them for a high fever, use them sparingly. These meds will impede your immune response and may make the infection more severe or longer.

  6. Take NAC 1200-1800mg 2-3 times a day with a full pint of water. This will thin mucous and support glutathione levels, the body’s master antioxidant.

  7. Take L-Lysine 5000mg once a day on an empty stomach. This will impede viral replication.

  8. Take Guaifenesin 1-2x/day with another full pint of water to further thin mucous and help you cough it out. Don’t take this <4 hours before before bed though.

  9. Elderberry Gummies with Zinc. Take as needed to moisten throat and impede viral replication.

  10. Nasacort spray. 2 sprays per nostril 2x/day to help keep your nasal passages open.

  11. NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottles 1-1/2 packets 1-2x/day. Use this in the shower with head below waist is best. Plug one nostril and sniff the fluid up. Don’t squeeze the bottle hard, as this can drive the fluid into your ears.

  12. BetterBreath nasal strips nightly to keep your nasal passages open and to prevent snoring.

If you would like more specific advice, please make an appointment, and we will get you on the fast track to a full recovery.

Dr. Timothy R. Morris

Naturopathic Doctor and certified Functional Medicine Clinician.

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